"Bermimpilah, berusaha dan berdolah maka Tuhanmu akan memeluk mimpi-mimpimu"
Hmm, maybe this is the first time i post an easy-content stuffs, perhaps unimportant. I would like share my aspirations to you. You might have your own too, so why don;t you try to make one. I made one dude!*embarrassing..
Take a note is worthwhile you lead your own activities in college. List you note won't take much time. I made it in 20 minutes! Mine looks pretty ambitious, and perhaps seemed impossible to be seized, but i still keep in faith as i keep striving. Obama made it, De Silva made it, Kaka made it, or even my Indonesian favorite man, Mr.Goris made it. "Yes, We Can : Audacity of Hope"(Obama)
Here are my plans :
Academic Backgrounds :
S1- University of Indonesia - Management - Financial and Operation (Checked)
S2- UK Berkeley / Princeton University / MIT / Yale University / Erasmus Rotterdam University / Cambridge University / London Business School / Australian National University / at least National University of Singapore - Economics Science / Public Administration / Industrial and Financial Management
S3 - UK Berkeley / Princeton University / Erasmus University / Yale University
Career :
Highly Desired :
20- 40 Lecturer, and Researcher
40 - 55 Strive to be Governor of West Sumatra
55 - 65 Lecturer and Researcher
At Least :
20-30 Business Man in Multinational Company
30-40 Lecturer and Business Consultant
40-55 Give a best shot for remote are development
Personal Life
20 - Graduate from UI Bachelor Degree
20 - Apply for a decent job
25- Get Married (Hehehehe, she told me this is the upper age)
30 - Mastering Qur'an and Islamic History
30 - Mastering English and France / Germany / Japanese language
30-40 Prepare to Mekkah for Hajj
40 - Form a Social Service Community
50- Already achieve Professor title ( hope so)
Hobby :
Mastering guitar
Mastering photography
Traveling to at least 20 countries
Strive to read at least 12 book in a year
Hmm, maybe this is the first time i post an easy-content stuffs, perhaps unimportant. I would like share my aspirations to you. You might have your own too, so why don;t you try to make one. I made one dude!*embarrassing..
Take a note is worthwhile you lead your own activities in college. List you note won't take much time. I made it in 20 minutes! Mine looks pretty ambitious, and perhaps seemed impossible to be seized, but i still keep in faith as i keep striving. Obama made it, De Silva made it, Kaka made it, or even my Indonesian favorite man, Mr.Goris made it. "Yes, We Can : Audacity of Hope"(Obama)
Here are my plans :
Academic Backgrounds :
S1- University of Indonesia - Management - Financial and Operation (Checked)
S2- UK Berkeley / Princeton University / MIT / Yale University / Erasmus Rotterdam University / Cambridge University / London Business School / Australian National University / at least National University of Singapore - Economics Science / Public Administration / Industrial and Financial Management
S3 - UK Berkeley / Princeton University / Erasmus University / Yale University
Career :
Highly Desired :
20- 40 Lecturer, and Researcher
40 - 55 Strive to be Governor of West Sumatra
55 - 65 Lecturer and Researcher
At Least :
20-30 Business Man in Multinational Company
30-40 Lecturer and Business Consultant
40-55 Give a best shot for remote are development
Personal Life
20 - Graduate from UI Bachelor Degree
20 - Apply for a decent job
25- Get Married (Hehehehe, she told me this is the upper age)
30 - Mastering Qur'an and Islamic History
30 - Mastering English and France / Germany / Japanese language
30-40 Prepare to Mekkah for Hajj
40 - Form a Social Service Community
50- Already achieve Professor title ( hope so)
Hobby :
Mastering guitar
Mastering photography
Traveling to at least 20 countries
Strive to read at least 12 book in a year
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